The time it was a monthly recap {45}

Posted February 1, 2020 by Stacee in Monthly Recap | 2 Comments

You guys. It’s been months since I did a recap post.  Part of it is because a lot of things slow down event wise around the holidays.  Part of it is because of the rebrand and how consuming that became once it actually happened.

So, here we are…I’m hoping to get back to these on a regular basis and I’ve added a new category as well, so settle in.

In January, I read a total of 14 books:

January is the month that just lasted forever, right? I’m a bit surprised I didn’t read more books, but I’ve been sick for the last week + we had a friend in from out of town, so that took up some reading time.

  • Sourcebooks Fire sent Belle Revolte
  • Amulet sent Blood Countess, Tor Teen sent Echoes Between Us, and I bought myself The Outsider
  • Wednesday Books sent Jane Anonymous and Only Mostly Devastated

Avon sent Chasing Cassandra, Sourcebooks Fire sent four arcs I’m quite excited for, Sourcebooks Casablanca sent The Kissing Game, St. Martin’s Press sent A Sweet Mess, Berkley Romance sent Something to Talk About, and one day had book mail from four different publishers.

Special stuff:


TV:  It’s not a secret that I love Sabrina and yes, I absolutely stayed up until 2am watching the entire season in one sitting.  I don’t think I loved it as much as the previous two seasons {this opinion might change when I watch it again}, but I am basically beside myself at the potential for part four.

Movies:  I finally finally finally got to see Jojo Rabbit and it was every bit as glorious as I expected it to be.  I went into this movie not knowing anything besides there being a small boy with Hitler for an imaginary friend and it delivered in ways I wasn’t expecting.


Music:  I woke up one day with the notification from iTunes that my pre-order of Halsey’s new album Manic was available to download. It is the only thing I’ve been listening to for the past week or so and it’s safe to say I’m absolutely obsessed.

Podcasts:  I got the recommendation for The Black Tapes Podcast from a bookseller friend at Mysterious Galaxy.  They described it being about “a ghost researcher who doesn’t believe in ghosts” and from that I was hooked.  I devoured the three seasons in a few days and I’m already halfway through my third re-listen.

  • Fangirling over: Anna-Marie McLemore, Elena K. Arnold, Kristen Simmons, and maybe Simone St. James
  • Interviewing: Jayci Lee

How about you? How was your January? What was your favorite read for the month?


2 responses to “The time it was a monthly recap {45}

  1. It looks like you had a very eventful January! I’ve been thinking of starting The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and hearing that you like it is definitely swaying me in favor of starting it! I also loved JoJo Rabbit! It was such a good movie!

    Hope you have a great February!

    • Stacee

      Oh, I’m borderline obsessed with Sabrina. I hope you love it if you give it a try!

      Have a great month and thanks for commenting.

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