The time it was about rebranding

Posted April 11, 2019 by Stacee in Discussion | 12 Comments

Well, it’s been another eleventy billion months since I put out a discussion post, but I’m here now, so that has to count for something. Right?

Today’s post likely won’t be much of a discussion…but we’ll see how it goes.

this month’s topic is: rebranding

If you follow me on social media, you may have seen me talking about this.  I’ve had the idea to completely rebrand for about a year.  I only started talking about it out loud a little bit ago and only mentioned it to Michelle in detail while we were at WonderCon last month.

Once Michelle got a hold of it, she did her Michelle thing and helped me brainstorm all sorts of ideas…including a countdown page, landing page, and logo.  A few days after our talk, I contacted Ashley to see how hard it would be to redirect, etc and then I bought the new domain.

Now.  If {the reasons I say “if” instead of “when” will become apparent} I go through with the rebranding, it won’t be until close to the end of the year. Because reasons {that will also be apparent if/once it happens.}

Why might it not happen? I am legit terrified.

I’ve worked my ass off at this blog and social media accounts to get a following.  I’m known as @book_junkee and the David Tennant icon whether I like it or not.  When I started blogging and recapping events, I never thought it would be something I would still be doing almost 8 years later.  I didn’t think about building a brand or making everything match.

Yes, it is a huge pita to have to still explain that my URL or social media handle is not the name of the blog…but still.  Everyone knows me at the links/account names I currently have. 

What if no one realizes who the new name is? What if publicists don’t want to work with me? What if I lose this following I’ve worked so hard at?  These are things that won’t stop running through my head {and it doesn’t help that I’ve had several people–including some authors–state that they hope they can still find me if I rebrand.}

Added anxiety: I’ve told a couple of people the new name and they were confused.  but wait! there’s more: I wasn’t able to get the exact matching IG/Twitter accounts because Twitter has a limit to the characters and the new name is one over. {Although I’m not entirely sure this is a hardship because I tend to be moving away from Twitter.}

So, why do it?

Well, I’m finding the use of the word “book” a bit restrictive.  I saw Bronte {formerly @bookishbronte on IG} change her name and rebrand everything.  When she shared this post, I found myself nodding along to a lot of what she said.

I don’t foresee my content changing in any way.  I’m not going to stop going to book events or recapping them.  I’m not going to become a lifestyle blogger overnight {or probably at all} and I won’t all of a sudden start posting pictures of my face.  However, I want the option {this doesn’t apply to the self-portraits}.  I want something that won’t be turned down from other opportunities because my name has the word “book” in it.  I want to say yes to more press events that I get invited to. I want to get the spark back and be excited about blogging again.

So, for now, I’ll continue to be at this account and continue to obsess.  And maybe in a few months I’ll be coming at you with a new name and a new look.

But I’ll still be me.

So, what do you think about rebranding?

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12 responses to “The time it was about rebranding

  1. I’m excited. And the concerns are very valid, but I also think your die-hard following will follow you to the ends of the world. And it’s exciting for all the possibilities of it all. I’m super giddy at what could possibly come.

    • Stacee

      I’m pretty sure you’re biased to this situation, but I love the enthusiasm and for being the brains and sounding board. <3

  2. Ali

    I’ve been thinking about rebranding for a couple of years now and the same fears you’re having is the same ones I’ve had since I first started thinking about it. I’m known by my name and logo! It’s scary but I still think I’m going to go with it at the start of next year. I love this post! Now I know I’m not alone in my fears. I’m excited for you….You got this!!!

    • Stacee

      I’m excited for you too!! Ultimately, it needs to be what’s best for us, right?
      Thanks for reading and commenting!!

  3. Ooooh! That is really tough! I’m personally the worst when it comes to changes, so I don’t know if I can be of much help. All I can say is that I can still easily find your blog even without the matching social media! And if you change your brand in a short while It’ll be easy for me to remember the new name as well! I hope your decision comes smoothly!

    • Stacee

      I feel like now that it’s over, it was scarier in my head than it actually was. I’m much happier with the new design and name. Good luck with everything!!

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