Hi guys! Can you believe that January is already over? Time has just been flying by.
This month’s recap is a little insane, so settle in. Maybe get a beverage before you get comfortable. Anyhoo, let’s get started!
This month I read a total of 37 books. {Click on the cover for my review on GR}
Oh man. January was an amazing month for book mail. I got a pretty package from Macmillan. Robin Constantine and Paula Stokes spoiled me with signed arcs of their upcoming books.
I also got my greedy hands on copies of The Dark Days Club and The Glittering Court. Abrams surprised me with copies of The Steep and Thorny Way and Seven Ways We Lie. Gallery Books sent me a copy of Wicked Sexy Liar.
Annnnnnnd, I think you guys know how much I loved The Anatomical Shape of a Heart. I contacted Jenn Bennett about sending her books to sign because I couldn’t wait to have signed books and she so awesomely said yes. She signed my arc and my UK copy {called Night Owls} and sent me some pretty swag. You can see the pretties here.
- Jennifer Bosworth for The Killing Jar
- Sarah Ahiers for Assassin’s Heart
- Melissa Landers for Starflight {+ giveaway still active!}
- Nicole Castroman for Blackhearts {+ giveaway still active!}
Special Stuff:
- Top 10: books I’m going to read in 2016
- The Winner’s Kiss blog tour had me naming my favorite kiss in YA
- Top 10: books I’ve recently added to my TBR.
- Sara B. Larson did a guest post about ending her Defy trilogy
- Reading Rewind: Twilight
- Katie from Shelfishly Addicted and I started a new monthly feature called Reading Rewind.
- I got a new tattoo and of course it was book related. I’ve always loved Chainsaw from The Raven Boys series and Sir Bird from Illusions of Fate, so I gave my artist an idea and he ran with it. I am ridiculously in love with it. {But I hate the way the photos are lined up in this post}
- One day I went to my Goodreads profile and found that I was a ranked reviewer for the week. It was pretty exciting to see that I was #99 out of over 40 million users. By the end of the week, I was #92. Thank you all for liking my reviews.
- I’ve become an affiliate for Ashley at Nose Graze! Ashley is a code master and I want to help spread the word about her magic. She’s created the Ultimate Book Blogger plug in, the Tweak Me theme, and so many other things. I use the UBB to organize the author events I go to and the Tweak Me theme is what I’m using now on the blog. And the Goodreads shelf on the sidebar and the newly-added comment love? Both came from Ashley.
- This is not something I would normally do, but Ashley has helped me more than ever had to. She’s answered countless questions when I wasn’t even using her products and then some more once I did. If you’re looking for a change on your blog, or even some awesome help/advice on all things blog and code related, I highly recommend her. And I did even before I signed up. Added bonus? Any money I earn will go right back into the blog by paying for giveaway books.
- Fangirling over Pierce Brown, Victoria Aveyard, Susan Dennard, Victoria Schwab
- Interviewing Ellie Cahill, Sarah Fine, CJ Redwine, Emily Hainsworth, Rhiannon Thomas, Heather Demetrios, and Cat Winters
- Katie and I will be reading If I Stay for the February Reading Rewind. We might also read Where She Went.
This was an insane wrap up, so hugs to you for powering through it. What about you? How was your January? What was your favorite read?
wow, you read so many books! which one did you like the best?
Can you write a post (unless you already have) in which you’re talking how do you manage to read so many books?
You also got some great books. I hope you’ll enjoy reading them.
And the tattoo looks great, but I have to admit that I still haven’t read the series (but I plan to start it soon) so I’ll probably like it even more once I know which book character it represents and such.
My favorite book of January was probably The Winner’s Kiss. Marie did such an amazing job with the last book.
I haven’t written a post about how I read so much because I don’t really have an answer. I just do? I read every night before I go to sleep and if I’m completely captivated by whatever I’m reading, I can get through it pretty quickly.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Wait. Gosh damn. You read THAT MANY BOOKS? AHHHHH. You are aaaamazing Stacee :) Thank you so much for sharing about your month. <3 Hugs. Sounds like it was aaamazing :) And your new tattoo looks stunning. <3 I love it. You are awesome :) So jealous about The Winner's Kiss. <3 And ah, I loved The Steep and Thorny Way :) Such a great book. I hope you will read lots this month too, and that it will be awesome for you. <3
Thank you for all of your awesome words and support!!
<3 <3
I keep eyeing the Morrighan book on everyone’s blog posts, but I keep forgetting to go to GR to read the synopsis. Maybe I can remember to go look at it after I finish commenting here. I am chomping at the bit to read Broken Crowns. I loved the first book in the series but found the second one to be too predictable, and I didn’t like the inclusion of the mythological creatures; for me they seemed a strange addition to that type of story, like having werewolves show up in the Divergent books. I am hoping this last book redeems the story for me. Does she explain the existence of the creatures? I loved your Castroman interview. The new tattoo is wonderful. I love chainsaw, too. My January reading was a bust. Arc-wise I had a meh, a DNF, and an UGH; and I read a book by a favorite author that I didn’t quite like. This all put me in a bad reading mood so I am 5 books behind on my reading challenge. Hope this month turns out better. :)
I’ll be totally honest, I don’t even remember the mythical creatures in book two. If there was an explanation in Broken Crowns, I probably chalked it up to an editing mistake. I also loved the first book, the second was good, and the third was good, but not at all what I was expecting. I hope you love it.
Yay for loving the interview & my tattoo. And I hope February is a better reading month for you.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Also so impressed with how many books you get read in a month. Do you read most of your books in book or ebook format? I think that’s what holds me back from getting more books read per month. I have so many good books on my ereader but I just can’t get into them like I can an actual book. Either way love your blog!
Most of my review books are e-books, but I get physical arcs as well. I tend to read my physical books during the day and e-books at night, unless it’s something I’m absolutely obsessed with.
Thank you for reading and commenting!!