The time it was a mutiny {22}

Posted November 5, 2020 by Stacee in Reviews | 0 Comments

Hi guys! Welcome to another edition of the mutiny.

What’s the mutiny you ask? Well, I have always said that I wasn’t going to become a review blog and yet, I’ve had this itch in the back of my head… so here we are. I’m waging a mutiny against myself and I’m going to do some mini reviews + feature upcoming reads I’m excitead about.

For this specific edition, I’m going to share some of my favorite reads from October, so settle in!

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas — 5★ — Well, I finally caved from all of the hype and past Stacee needs to be shoved for waiting so long. I love love loved Yadriel. He’s smart and good and loyal. I loved Maritza so very much. She’s filled with sass and her dogs are amazing. Julian is delightful for so many reasons and the scenes with the three of them together were fantastic. I loved all of the Dia de los Muertos set up descriptions: the food had me basically drooling, the decorations painted a vibrant setting, and I especially loved the easy explanation of how everything worked. The slow build up was delicious and the ending few chapters were some of the best.

My Last Duchess by Eloisa James — 5★ — I’ve read and loved all of the Wilde books, so when I saw this prequel, there was absolutely no way I was missing out on it. I love love loved Ophelia and Hugo. She’s sassy and seemingly happy with her current life. Hugo is a half step away from being stoic, but ever so charming. Together, they’re all sweet smiles, feisty banter, and chemistry for days. I couldn’t get enough. This story is nearly all fluff and I was here for it. There really isn’t conflict, but there is an extended time apart. I will say that I could have done with more of them happy together at the end–even though I already know their HEA. I fully admit this is just me being greedy.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by VE Schwab — 5★ — After hearing Victoria talk about this book for so long, it’s amazing to get to read it and meet Addie. And she is just as fantastic as I expected. She’s crafty and filled with longing and it was so easy to root for her, no matter what she wanted. The way the story unfolds in a flip flop of past and present is genius. I loved seeing Addie at the beginning of her life and how much she’s changed and adapted 300 years later. And yes, I’m being vague as hell, but I wouldn’t dream of spoiling this for anyone.

Crazy Stupid Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams — 5★ — I will gleefully read any book in this series and not even know a thing about it. I loved Alexis and Noah. She’s stronger than she thinks and he’s gooey-er than he knows. Together they have such a supportive relationship that it was delightful reading them figure out how to progress into something new. Of course it was fun seeing the rest of the group and the club. I really struggled with parts of the family things that happened and found myself angry with Alexis for some of her decisions. I wanted more fluff between Alexis and Noah (because they sure af deserve it); this seemed more drama filled and it was unexpected.

Fatal Deception by April Hunt — a romantic suspense with a grumpy hero and a group cast that I love? I’ve been waiting for this one.

These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong — a Romeo + Juliet retelling set in 1920s Shanghai? Yes. Please.

Chasing Lucky by Jenn Bennett — a new JB story? I don’t even need to know what it’s about.

What about you? Have you read any of these books or do you want to?

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