The time it was about Timekeeper

Posted October 10, 2017 by Stacee in Interviews | 4 Comments

I got an email from a publicist at Sky Pony Press talking about upcoming paperback releases that were getting sequels.  Inside there was a mention of Timekeeper by Tara Sim and a short message included stating that Tara would be available for a couple of interviews.  I was a huge fan of Timekeeper and was super eager to get Tara on the blog, so I pretty much responded right away.

Before we get to Tara’s interview, let’s check out the book!

Title: Timekeeper
Author: Tara Sim
Pages: 414
Pub Date: November 8, 2016
Publisher: Sky Pony Press
Find it: Sky Pony Press | Indiebound | B&N | Amazon | Goodreads

Two o’clock was missing.

In an alternate Victorian world controlled by clock towers, a damaged clock can fracture time—and a destroyed one can stop it completely.

It’s a truth that seventeen-year-old clock mechanic Danny Hart knows all too well; his father has been trapped in a Stopped town east of London for three years. Though Danny is a prodigy who can repair not only clockwork, but the very fabric of time, his fixation with staging a rescue is quickly becoming a concern to his superiors.

And so they assign him to Enfield, a town where the tower seems to be forever plagued with problems. Danny’s new apprentice both annoys and intrigues him, and though the boy is eager to work, he maintains a secretive distance. Danny soon discovers why: he is the tower’s clock spirit, a mythical being that oversees Enfield’s time. Though the boys are drawn together by their loneliness, Danny knows falling in love with a clock spirit is forbidden, and means risking everything he’s fought to achieve.

But when a series of bombings at nearby towers threaten to Stop more cities, Danny must race to prevent Enfield from becoming the next target or he’ll not only lose his father, but the boy he loves, forever.

The stunning first novel in a new trilogy by debut author Tara Sim, Timekeeper is perfect for fans of Cassandra Clare and Victoria Schwab.

Sounds good, right? {and hello, gorgeous paperback cover}

1. Please give the elevator pitch for the Timekeeper series

In an alternate Victorian world controlled by clock towers, a broken tower can alter time–and a destroyed one can stop it completely.

2. What sparked the idea?

Being in love with Big Ben, basically. I studied abroad in London and I really loved that clock tower. A few years later, I was looking at a keychain of Big Ben and wondered what would happen if it literally controlled time, who would fix it if it broke, etc.

3. Why do you love Danny and Colton and why should we root for them?

Because they’re my boys! I love that they play off of each other, Danny being young in years but old in terms of his emotional journey, and Colton being old in years (as a spirit) but young in terms of what he knows and understands. They’re both lonely boys who want to connect to someone else, and they find a similar soul in each other.

4. What was the weirdest thing you googled while researching?

There are several things, but one of my favorites was the time I had to look up what type of underwear Danny would wear during the time period.

5. Without spoilers, what has been your favorite scene to write?

I have different favorite scenes in each book, but for book 1, one of my favorites was the scene where Danny figures out Colton’s secret. I mostly just really enjoyed laughing at him.

6. What 3 words would you use to describe Chainbreaker?

India, action, menace

Speed {ish} round: 

1. You find out that you’re being published for the first time. Describe the next 5 minutes.

Well, I can tell you what I did the first five minutes after I got my offer for TIMEKEEPER: I sat numbly in my computer chair staring at the screen and not believing it, haha.

2. What three things would you take to a desert island?

My laptop with infinite battery power and wifi, a fridge that is always full, and my cat.

3. You can only read one book for the rest of your life. What is it?

Can I cheat and say the Harry Potter series?

4. What book character would you want to date and who would you want to be your BFF?

I would love to date an older version of Nikolai Lantsov. I’d want Rhy Maresh to be my BFF (or maybe I’d just date him too, who knows).

5. What is the one thing about publishing you wish someone would have told you?

You have to wait. And wait. And wait. And wait. And wait. For everything.

6. You wake up and discover you are Bella in Twilight. You know how it plays out. What do you do differently? {Huge thanks to Bookish Broads for letting me use this question}

Since I’ve never read or seen Twilight, I would leave Seattle or wherever it’s set and go to Hogwarts instead.


Tara Sim is the author of the TIMEKEEPER trilogy (Sky Pony Press) and writer of all things magic. She can often be found in the wilds of the Bay Area, California.

When she’s not writing about mischievous boys in clock towers, Tara spends her time drinking tea, wrangling cats, and occasionally singing opera. Despite her bio-luminescent skin, she is half-Indian and eats way too many samosas. She also sometimes blogs for Quirk Books.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram


Huge thanks to Sky Pony Press for the invite and to Tara for taking the time!

Make sure you’re getting your greedy hands on the paperback version of Timekeeper with the gorgeous new cover {shown above} when it releases on 10/31/17.  Chainbreaker releases 1/2/18.

Have you read Timekeeper? What are you excited for in Chainbreaker?

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