Hi everyone!! Can you believe another month is gone?
Settle in for the recap!
In March I read a total of 31 books. {Click on the cover for my review on GR}
I got my greedy hands on an arc of Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi. Entangled Teen sent me Love Me Never and I got some pretties for YallWest and Festival of Books, and Harlequin Teen sent me a gorgeous finished copy of Walk the Edge. I also got My Lady Jane from the super secret back room, Steeplejack from Tor Teen, Wild Swans from Sourcebooks Fire, and Break Me Like a Promise from Bloomsbury.
Fangirled over:
- VE Schwab, Kiersten White, Caragh O’Brien, and Cecil Castalucci for A Gathering of Shadows
- Veronica Rossi, Mary Pearson, and Kiersten White for Riders
- Penguin Teen on Tour stop with April Genevieve Tucholke, Rachel Hawkins, Alwyn Hamilton, Alison Goodman, and Sabaa Tahir — and I was the moderator!!
- Katie McGarry for Walk the Edge
Special stuff:
- Rachel from Beauty and the Bookshelf hosted an awesome series of prompts for the month and while I planned to participate in most of them, I only managed the self-interview.
- Reading Rewind: I read The Selection
- Top Ten Tuesday: Books I love, but haven’t talked about enough
- Top Ten Tuesday: Most recent 5 star reads
- Penguin did a post about Wink Poppy Midnight and not only was my photo was one of those 12 that would “make you weak in the knees”, it was in the feature photo on their tweet about it.
- I got my Karen Hallion tattoo. The design is here, the stencil is here, and the finished tattoo is here. I still need to post another photo now that it’s completely healed. I already have the next two tattoos planned out, now I just need to make appointments for them. And yes, one is book related…
- Fangirling over a ton of people between YallWest and Festival of Books and maybe Melissa Marr
- Interviewing Jenna Black, Lucy Keating, Jessica Spotswood, and Michelle Zink
- A review for The Natural History of Us by Rachel Harris
- I have no idea what I’m reading for Reading Rewind…maybe Unearthly.
What about you? How was your March? What was your favorite book?
You read 31 books! That is absolutely incredible! Congrats!
Awesome job on being a featured photo! It’s beautiful!
Your tattoo looks amazing! What are you planning for the next two. I have to get my next one. I have two, a Beatles lyric and a message in my dad’s handwriting, both of those were four years ago. I am definitely due for another.
Awesome recap! Have a great April!
Thank you!! It was really exciting to be part of Penguin’s list…I was blown away!!
I’m getting a Six of Crows tattoo and then some lyrics from Hamilton. I just don’t know which one is going to go first…
Thanks for reading and commenting!!
Ohh so many goodies but I on,y have one question! How was Roseblood?! Please tell me all about it cause my poor heart can’t wait!
Oh sweets, you know I can’t tell you anything other than it was amazing and I think it’s the best thing Anita has written so far. There is a very brief review on GR for it. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
JFC, ff I could read as many books as you do a month, I’d never be behind on my TBR! You went to some AMAZING events this month! And moderating the Penguin Teen on Tour must have been AMAZING! <3
It was pretty amazing. And terrifying.
This recap is so amazing :D Thank you for sharing about your March Stacee. <3 You are so awesome. I love reading about what you have read and done :) Ahh. You read so many books :D YAY. Sadly, I have only read four of those. And I only loved The Mirror King. Sobs. Did not like Wild Swans or Girl Against the Universe or The Darkest Corners.. I have had such bad luck with books this year : Ugh. Which is why I'm in a reading slump. Sigh. I just need to read more amazing books :) Anyway. Ahhh! My Lady Jane ARC :D I would die for it. <3 I need that print. Loved the eARC SO MUCH :D And ahhh, Furthermore. <3 IT IS SO GORGEOUS. Damn. I want it. I hope you love it lots :) Happy reading sweetie. <3 I hope April is the best for you :)
I’m so excited for My Lady Jane, but also a bit scared because I’ve seen so many people love it. I hope it lives up to the hype. I know I won’t be able to resist it much longer.
Thanks for always reading and commenting!
DAAAYYTUUUMMM!! Congratulations on a fabulously successful month! You totally kicked ass! (Of course, you always rock it so this doesn’t surprise us.)
Excited to see what you have in store for us in April!
Wow! What is your secret to reading so many books? I wish I could read 30 in a month! I usually read about 8 a month. Any tips?
I don’t have any tips. I’m just a fast reader?
But like you read a book a day? Howww?
I think I managed two posts for the Get Up Offa That Slump Extravaganza. I love the new tattoo. You are a reading machine! I read ten books and it felt really good because my usual monthly total is eight. Keep posting the event recaps because they are my favourite thing. :)