The time I didn’t recap the event

Posted February 12, 2013 by Stacee in Signings | 10 Comments

Mrs. Nelson’s always puts together an excellent event.  I feel like they always go above and beyond to do something special for the authors, as well as the people who attend.  And the staff are consistently some of the nicest I’ve ever encountered.

The Breathless Reads tour was no exception.

They had a trivia game with a giveaway as well as a “survival kit” that was full of candy.  As well as some pretty awesome Breathless Reads posters that were of the “if you liked this, read that” variety.

The authors got to the store early and came out with the moderator right at 7pm.

Normally, I would go into as much detail as I could remember [or if I actually took notes]. This time, I’m not going to recap at all. There were several bloggers there [so many, one of the ladies from Mrs. Nelson’s actually introduced some of them].  I believe there is going to be a recap post at Read Now, Sleep Later, so go check it out.

Instead of my recap, I’m going to brag a little about the books I got signed.  Because really, when you get right down to it, that’s what this blog is about.  :D

I got to meet the lovely Brenna Yovanoff and get The Space Between and Paper Valentine signed.


And I got to meet Andrea Cremer [again], but this time I had my arc of Invisibility and we flailed over it together.

Jessica Khoury and Marie Lu were also there, but I already have signed copies of their books.  Both of them are amazingly sweet.

So…. yah.  That’s all.

Even though I am was disappointed that the tour was broken up into two coasts, I’m so thrilled Penguin chose not to go back to the Bookstore-Which-Will-Not-Be-Named.

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10 responses to “The time I didn’t recap the event

  1. I was also disappointed that they broke up the Pitch Dark Dark Days tour into 2 different parts. I know there are 9 authors, but if they're only going to 4 states, all in different corners of the U.S., you'd think they'd want the events to be as big as possible…

    But I'm glad you still had fun at this event!

  2. My problem is that I've met 3 of the 4 authors on this tour before. Multiple times. I REALLY wanted to meet Fiona Paul and Elizabeth Richards and I'm hoping that they'll make it to the west coast eventually.

    Thanks for reading!!

  3. i agree that mrs. nelsons always does an awesome event. i had fun on this tour. i have seen andrea and marie before but i love them both so it was still nice. i do wish we could have had some of the other authors there though.

    and i am sorry i didn't say hi at the signing. i always feel a little awkward since i feel like i see you all the time but i don't know if we've officially met. but i am definitely going to say hi next time.:)

  4. Yes! Please do. I saw your name on the chair, but I didn't realize it was you! And no, we haven't “officially” met, but we need to.

    So glad you had fun last night. Thanks for reading!!

  5. You and I need to switch time zones apparently! I want West Coast authors to visit the East Coast and you want East Coast authors to visit the West Coast… ah. First world book lovers problems, haha.

  6. I wish they had the two halves of the tour swap coasts and cover both sides, but I'd have probably spent way too much (figuring I'm supposed to be saving for Disneyland, hockey and Festival of Books, all in April).

    I think I need to try an Andrea Cremer book after that event. Will have to find which has more historical aspect or feel to it.

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