By now, everyone knows how I stalk adore Heather Brewer. I finally met her at Comic-con in 2011 and was able to see her at CC in 2012 and then again at one of her signings. She is always so amazing and Minion friendly, so of course it was only a matter of time before I asked her to do an interview.
But before that, Heather has a few series… The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, The Slayer Chronicles and finally, The Legacy of Tril [which I’m more than in love with].
Tril is a world where Barrons and Healers are Bound to each other: Barrons fight and Healers cure their Barrons’ wounds in the ongoing war with the evil Graplar King. Seventeen-year-old Kaya was born a Healer, but she wants to fight. In Tril, and at Shadow Academy, where she is sent to learn to heal, it is against Protocol for Healers to fight.
So Kaya must learn in secret. Enter two young men: One charming, rule-following Barron who becomes Bound to Kaya and whose life she must protect at all costs. And one with a mysterious past who seems bent on making Kaya’s life as difficult as possible. Kaya asks both to train her, but only one will, and the consequences will change their lives forever.
Doesn’t that sound amazing?
Anyways… onward to Auntie Heather!
1. Is is hard for you to juggle the different worlds between Joss and Kaya?
Sometimes, yes. Writing from a male perspective has always come more naturally to me, and it takes me much longer to get inside of Kaya’s mind. Switching back and forth between genders is a challenge. Switching back and forth between worlds, however, is an easy task. I love worlds full of action and danger, so they’re pretty similar in that regard.
2. Did the world building in Soulbound come easy for you, compared to the “normal” world of Vlad/Joss?
The world building in Soulbound was a lot of fun, and definitely more extensive than the world that Vlad and Joss live in. I can’t say, however, that it came easily. My editor and I went back and forth on a lot of questions that helped me create the world of Tril. But the story itself came easily, and I loved every moment of exploring it. BUT…I’m a bit embarrassed to say that the story of Soulbound came to me in a dream. A dream about vampires, which just goes to show how my brain works.
3. When you wrote that evil cliffhanger in Soulbound, did you sit back and laugh knowing you’d be driving people crazy?
YES! I cackled with glee! I danced around my office and sang a little “ha ha ha, in your face, readers!” song at my monitor!……No, really. I did all of that.
4. Who is your favorite character to write in the Soulbound world and why?
Darius. Because he’s a TOTAL JERK OF HOTNESS.Darius is so complicated. He knows more than he lets on. He challenges Kaya and challenges her, taunts her. And just when you wish he’d get swallowed whole by a Graplar, he does something tender and sweet. I love him. He’s the Han Solo of Tril.
5. How many books will be in the Legacy of Tril series and do you know the ending?
As it stands right now, I can’t really answer this question. But I can say that I think there needs to be at least one more Tril book. And the ending? Oh yes. I know it and can’t wait to get to it.
Speed Round:
1. What is your go-to guilty pleasure thing to eat?
Lays potato chips. I eat entirely too many of them, and have to have a bowl of them every day. Besides, they were once potatoes…and potatoes are good for you. Right?
2. What are you reading right now?
Interview questions. But I have been known to read a Taco Bell sauce packet now and again. ;)The book I’m reading is The Witching Hour by Anne Rice, on recommendation from my fabulous book blogger/reviewer sister, Dawn (
3. Are there any authors that you fangirl over?
There are three authors that I would gladly eat dirt for. Stephen King, Anne Rice, and Poppy Z. Brite. But I’m a huge fan of Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl, A.S. King, and Lisa McMann. It’s so cool when you can fangirl over your friends!
A huge thank you to Auntie Heather for taking the time!! Not only is she busy with writing and being awesome, she’s also putting together an amazing anti-bullying conference. Visit for more information!
And now…
Want to flail about the ending of Soulbound? I’m giving away a signed copy!!
Rules are listed on the “terms and conditions” of the Rafflecopter widget.
Good luck!!
I LOVE the entire Vlad Todd series! I'm a Minion!
I love Twelfth Grade Kills
Ahhhh I absolutely love all of Heather's series!
But that cliffhanger in Soulbound was downright evil, haha~
Also, my favourite book is definitely 12th Grade Kills.
I may or may not have cried a lot of times while reading it//
I <3 Heather Brewer so much, and now I have another fun blog to follow! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Fuckin' amazing, Sugar! Loved every bit of this interview!
– Ava
Eighth Grade Bites.
I lurve Auntie Heather ^_^
I am new to Auntie Heather….
I super loved Soulbound and I'd definitely love a signed copy! :)
I love Vlad and his books <3
Yay for St. Louis writers! :) Heather Brewer is awesome and Kaya is all kinds of kickass.