The time I finally met Heather Brewer

Posted November 7, 2011 by Stacee in Signings | 0 Comments

When the 2011 Comic-con list of appearances came out, we saw that Heather Brewer was doing a few and we made sure to rearrange everything to get to her.  Her first one at the Mysterious Galaxy booth was the plan, but we never made it.  We did make it to the appearance at the Penguin booth.

I think we got to the booth an hour or so before she was scheduled.  I remember the people running the booth asking if I knew what time she was appearing and the current time.  They told me to stand against the wall, across from the booth.

We stood and waited.

And waited some more.

I noticed there were girls lining up in front of the booth, but the 2 of the 3 booth workers swore up and down they weren’t there to see Heather.

So, we waited longer.

Finally, about 10 minutes before her appearance, the third person running the booth came over and told me that the girls in line were in line for Heather.

The girl who came to get me started passing out post-it notes with numbers on it to the first 10 people in line [I was 7].  With that number, we got to pick either a Vlad Tod shirt or beach towel.  We picked towels.

Heather showed up and our meeting was brief.  I was one of those fans who showed their Vlad tattoo while she was signing the ARC of First Kill which is book 1 of The Slayer Chronicles.

I think I thanked her for signing the book, but I’m not entirely sure.  O_o  She is so sweet and honestly adoring of her fans. I would love to hear her talk on a panel and I know I’ll be on the look out for her next year at CC.

Since meeting her in July, I became a Master Minion to help promote First Kill.  In one of her blog posts, Heather stated that the first 250 people who emailed a specific address would become a Master Minion and would received all sorts of things.  I read the blog post a day after she posted and thought for sure that it was too late; however, I tried anyways.  I immediately received a confirmation email back.

About 3 days later, I received a box full of swag:

[This is not my picture, I found it in a Google search.  It is the same things I received]

In it was a Vlad bag and shirt.  Along with fake tattoos and some promotional flyers for First Kill.  Every week, an email would be sent and there was a new “challenge” to perform to help promote the book and get word out about the release date.  After the book had been released, I received one more package and this was a complete surprise…

I was given a Vlad Tod journal complete with a thank you note from Penguin.

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