I found Lauren Kate’s book Fallen on accident. I was walking around Target, waiting for my husband to come back from Starbucks and passed the book section. Always one to go look at books, I just started perusing the covers and stopped when I saw this…
I still think it’s one of the prettiest covers I’ve ever seen.
I read the back and was vaguely interested. They had 2 of the 3 books that had been released on the shelf, but the first book [and the only copy they had] was horribly ripped. I only buy pristine, untouched books. I am ridiculously anal about the handling of my books and I don’t like to loan my books out because most people aren’t crazy like I am.
I ended up ordering the three books online. All 3 of them have gorgeous covers. As does the newly unveiled 4th one. But, I digress…
After reading all three in a few days, I went to hunt down Lauren Kate on the internet and see when the fourth [and final] book in the series was going to be released as well as see if she was signing. Of course, she was finished with her book tour.
Except for one date.
Turns out Lauren had contributed to a fantastic compilation called Dear Bully. 70 authors tell their stories about bullying, either as the victim or the bully.
There were five authors there: Nancy Holder, Amy Goldman Koss, Jessica Brody, Melodye Shore and Lauren Kate. Each woman stood up and read their submission to the book and briefly talked about the background of the story, as well as how it shaped their future. A more generalized Q&A session followed. And after that, the signing started.
There was one girl who clearly knew her way around a signing. She had each author’s chapter marked with a post-it note that had her name [Nicole!] written on it. She also had a bag filled with Lauren Kate’s books, blank post-it notes and Sharpees in various colors. It was pretty impressive. I now know what to bring to future signings. :]
I quickly stepped up to Lauren and gave her Passion while I looked for her chapter in Dear Bully. Before the event, I had contacted her to make sure she would sign her Fallen books even though the signing was for a different book. Of course she said yes.
At the time, I had only brought Passion with me. However, as I looked around the room, I saw a pretty, untouched stack in the corner. I quickly grabbed the other two books and got to the end of the line.
As I was standing in line, I told the events guy for Barnes & Noble, Shane, that I was going to have the books signed and pay for them on the way out. Shane said it wasn’t a problem, as long as I paid for them. I jokingly said that I wasn’t going to pay for them, that I was going to have them signed and then run out the front door. Lauren then said something along the lines of being able to say she had some bad ass fans if I did.
While signing Fallen,
Lauren commented on my chest tattoo:
and then she wrote the most magnificent inscription ever. Ever. EVER.
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