The time it was about Bride

Posted February 5, 2024 by Stacee in Interviews | 0 Comments

when I got the invite to do an interview with Ali Hazelwood, I couldn’t say yes fast enough.  I had just gotten finished with diving into her backlist (I know, I’m always late to the party) and since I’m always here for a vampire story, it was a no brainer.

Before we get to Ali’s answers, let’s check out the book.

Title: Bride
Author: Ali Hazelwood
Pages: 416
Pub Date: February 6, 2024
Publisher: Berkley
Find it: PRH | Bookshop | Goodreads

Synopsis: Misery Lark, the only daughter of the most powerful Vampyre councilman of the Southwest, is an outcast—again. Her days of living in anonymity among the Humans are over: she has been called upon to uphold a historic peacekeeping alliance between the Vampyres and their mortal enemies, the Weres, and she sees little choice but to surrender herself in the exchange—again…

Weres are ruthless and unpredictable, and their Alpha, Lowe Moreland, is no exception. He rules his pack with absolute authority, but not without justice. And, unlike the Vampyre Council, not without feeling. It’s clear from the way he tracks Misery’s every movement that he doesn’t trust her. If only he knew how right he was….

Because Misery has her own reasons to agree to this marriage of convenience, reasons that have nothing to do with politics or alliances, and everything to do with the only thing she’s ever cared about. And she is willing to do whatever it takes to get back what’s hers, even if it means a life alone in Were territory…alone with the wolf.

Sounds good, right?

1. Please give the elevator pitch for Bride. 

Vampyre, werewolf, arranged political marriage, fated mates. That kind of stuff.

2. Which came first: the characters or the plot?

Definitely the characters! I really wanted to write a book about two people from different species and backgrounds finding themselves married. Then, the more Misery became well-rounded and alive in my head, the more I realized that she wasn’t the kind of person who would agree to an arrange marriage without some very specific reasons, and that’s how the plot came about.

3. Why do you love Misery and Lowe and why should readers root for them?

My favorite thing about Misery is her loyalty—it’s hard-won and very rarely granted, but it’s forever. She’s the kind of person who’ll run into a fire for you, and I love that about her. My favorite thing about Lowe is, I believe, how selfless he is. He’ll shoulder a lot of manpain for the good of others, and when Misery enters his life, she’s the first thing that’s specifically just for him.

4. Were there any weird things you googled while drafting?

Oh, for sure, but this might have been the least research-heavy book I’ve ever written. The fun part of writing about vampires and wolf shifters is that you can truly give them whatever traits you want. At some point I stopped googling and started making up stuff!

5. Without spoilers, which scene was your favorite to write?

One of the sex scenes. That’s always my answers, for every book, in perpetuity.

Speed {ish} round: 

1. You find out that you’re being published for the first time. Describe the next 5 minutes.

Worry that no one will like/buy/read the book. We don’t do happiness in my head, just anxiety.

2. What three things would you take to a desert island?

I’ll never survive a desert island. I’m gonna bring nothing, lie down, and let the wild animals feast on my tender flesh.

3. You can only read one book for the rest of your life. What is it?

The Land of The Beautiful Dead by R. Lee Smith.

4. What is the one thing about publishing you wish someone would have told you?

That it’s a very secretive industry, and oftentimes the only way to get answers is to ask other authors who’ve been in your same situation before.

5. You wake up and discover you are Bella in Twilight. You know how it plays out. What do you do differently?

Two words: birth control.


I’m originally from Italy, lived in Japan and Germany, and eventually moved to the US to pursue a Ph.D. in Neuroscience. I recently became a professor, which absolutely terrifies me. When I’m not at work you can find me binge-watching shows with my three feline overlords (and my slightly less feline husband), running, or eating candy. website | instagram | tiktok


huge thanks to Berkley for the opportunity and to Ali for taking the time.  Bride releases tomorrow and the pre-order links are above.

have you read this book? what is your favorite book from Ali?

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