When I got the invite to participate in the blog tour for Crystal Storm, I couldn’t reply fast enough.
I have loved each book more than the one before it and before I tell you guys my top reasons for reading, let’s check out the book!
Title: Crystal Storm {Falling Kingdoms #5}
Author: Morgan Rhodes
Pub Date: December 13, 2016
Publisher: Razorbill
Find it: Penguin | Indiebound | B&N | Amazon | GoodreadsAn epic clash between gods and mortals threatens to tear Mytica apart . . . and prove that not even the purest of love stands a chance against the strongest of magic.
MAGNUS and CLEO are forced to test the strength of their love when Gaius returns to Mytica claiming he’s no longer the King of Blood but a changed man seeking redemption.
LUCIA, pregnant with the child of a Watcher, has escaped the clutches of the unhinged fire god. Her powers are dwindling as she goes forth to fulfill a prophecy that will keep her baby safe . . . but could mean her demise.
JONAS treks back to Mytica with a plan to overtake Amara, but fate takes hold when he runs into the beautiful Princess Lucia and joins her on her perilous journey.
AMARA has taken the Mytican throne, but with no way to unleash the water magic trapped within her stolen crystal, she’ll never be able to seize glory and get sweet revenge.
And what kind of darkness will descend–and who will be safe–after Prince Ashur reveals the dangerous price he paid to cheat death?
Sounds good, right?
Top Five Reasons to read the Falling Kingdoms series
Kick-ass women: Literally. The women in this series are strong and they fight and have magic and I love all of them. Even the ones I hate. *whispers* Especially the ones I hate.
Stubborn and brooding men: All of the men in this book are brats and it’s absolutely amusing to read the women hand them their asses. I especially love Magnus. He is my little marshmallow and I love the scenes with him and Cleo. And I had so many feels while reading CK.
Magic: And lots of it. There are sorcerers and sorceresses, immortals and gods, and all sorts of magic-y things.
The Kissing: Yeah…does this even need an explanation?
Because I said so? By now, you have to know that I’m quite picky about my high fantasy books. I will admit that it took me a book to get fully into it, but now I’m obsessed and I need people to flail with.
Huge thanks to Penguin Teen for the invite! Keep scrolling for info about the pre-order incentive + a giveaway!! And definitely check out the rest of the blog tour for extra goodies!
Now. Have you read the Falling Kingdom series? What did you think?

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Enter for a chance to win a set of the Falling Kingdom books by Morgan Rhodes, which includes paperback editions of Falling Kingdoms, Rebel Spring, Gathering Darkness and Frozen Tides and a hardcover edition of Crystal Storm (Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”): $63.00). In addition, four (4) Runner-up Winners will each receive a paperback edition of Falling Kingdoms ($11.00 each).
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Enter between 12:01 AM (EST) December 5, 2016 11:59 PM (EST) and December 16, 2016. Open to residents of the fifty United States and the District of Columbia who are 13 and older. Winners will be selected at random on or about December 19, 2016. Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.
I have seen this series around, but never looked into it, so thanks for featuring it :)
Ooh! I hope you enjoy it!!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hahaha this is all so wonderfully accurate :)
Yay! I’m glad you like it!!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Aw, lovely post Stacee :D I still haven’t read past book one, ack, but hoping to read them all very soon :) These books just seems so awesome. And I did love book one :D So glad you loved this one. <3