The time it was a monthly recap {14}

Posted August 1, 2016 by Stacee in Monthly Recap | 14 Comments

Hi guys! *waves* How was your July? I swear it seems like I was just drafting the monthly recap for June and now it’s July’s turn and I don’t understand where all of the time is going.


Ready to settle in?


In July I read a total of 31 books. {Click on the covers for my review on GR}

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7 8 9 10 11 12

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18


I was expecting this to be a slow month for me, but I guess not. O_o


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I won an arc of You Know Me Well from Griffin Teen, got loads of pretties at SDCC, and thanks to Katie, a signed finished copy of This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab. I was sent The Edge of Everything by Bloomsbury and I got a stack of pretties from Mysterious Galaxy, but I can’t find the photo or tweet about it, so just take my word for it.


Fangirled over:


Special stuff:


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  • I GET TO DIE IN GEMINA!!  I sent in the email for the contest, but never in a million years did I think I would have won.
  • Jen posted a photo on IG showing that I’m in the acknowledgements of The Beauty of Darkness and I’m floored. {Thank you, Mary!!}
  • Annnnnnd I was invited by MG to do participate in some way when Joseph Fink and Jeffery Cranor {AKA the creators of the Welcome to Night Vale podcast} come to the store.  I said yes, but really thought everything was still up in the air.  Imagine my surprise when I was perusing the events calendar and actually saw my name.  Let’s just say it was a good thing I was in the office alone because I legit screamed.


  • Fangirling over Mary Pearson for sure and maaaaaaaaybe Darryl McDaniels, Elizabeth Cobbs, and a possible road trip to San Fran for Sabaa Tahir and Stephanie Garber
  • Interviewing Jessica Brody for A Week of Mondays
  • Reading Rewind: I’m going to read The Sky is Everywhere
  • Discussion post: I have a few topics in mind, but haven’t drafted any, so we’ll see

And how about you? How was your July? What was your favorite read of the month?



14 responses to “The time it was a monthly recap {14}

  1. Wow congrats for dying in Gemina !! I’ll be sure to look for your name when I get the book!
    Also so excited for you about the Night Vale stuff !! :D

    • Stacee

      Doesn’t it sound ridiculous to congratulate someone on dying? LOLOL

      Thanks for reading and commenting!!

    • Stacee

      I was so excited to die!! And that’s probably the only situation where I’ll gleefully say those words.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!!

    • Stacee

      I love Illuminae and Gemina so much. I can’t even begin to think of what book 3 will contain.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!!

  2. High five for also reading 31 books last month! I feel like I’m catching up on all you crazy book readers now. XD

    I’m still so happy for you that you get to “die” in Gemina. You need to buy several copies so you can frame that page when it releases!

  3. July was my birthday month, so it was pretty great! Wow, you got to a lot of books in July. I definitely need to make more time for reading, but it’s hard when I’m trying to squeeze in as much time as possible with my friends before we all leave for college. And that’s so cool that you get to die in Gemina! My favorite reads from July were ACOMAF and The Unexpected Everything. I adored both!!!

    Amanda @ Vivalabooks recently posted: The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson | Book Talk
    • Stacee

      You have a perfect reason for not reading! Besides, you’ll probably be reading a lot in college whether you like it or not. :D

      Thanks for reading and commenting!!

    • Stacee

      I’m definitely planning on doing a post. Obviously I don’t know what sort it’ll be, but it’ll definitely be something. It’s just too good to pass up.

  4. Sobs. You are the most awesome Stacee. <3 I love reading your recaps :) Though you always do so much, and get so much, and I am so jealous, haha :D But I adore you. <3 You read SO MUCH all the time :D So jealous. Wish I could read that much too :) Eee, Nevernight! SO GOOD. <3 And ahh :( Heartless. I WANT. Hmph. And ahhhh! You get to die in Gemina :D I AM SO JEALOUS. You are the luckiest, haha. <3 I hope your August is going the very best sweet girl :)

    Carina Olsen recently posted: Waiting on Wednesday #253
    • Stacee

      Well, I’m quite jealous of your UK arcs of Nevernight, so we’ll have to commiserate together. :D

      Thanks for always reading and commenting!

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