The time I stood in line for tickets

Posted February 9, 2016 by Stacee in Signings | 8 Comments

As soon as we saw that Pierce Brown was coming back to Mysterious Galaxy, it was a no-brainer.  Michelle and I had planned on calling in on the morning Morning Star went on sale, but we were informed that it would be better to show up when the store opened to try for a better ticket number.  Since AwesomeBoss doesn’t care what I do and my office is minutes away, I planned on going.

I got to the bookstore just after 9am and surprisingly, I wasn’t the first one waiting. Someone had even set up a folding chair right by the front door.


People started lining up around 9:20 or so, so I got out of Lucy and waited. It was eleventy billion degrees outside, but I got my umbrella and chatted with the other people around me.  David let us in right before 10am and after buying books for Michelle and I {we were #3 & #4}, I headed back to work.

Michelle and I met up around 3 and headed to get some tasty food.  We got back to the store and just settled in to wait in the cushy chairs.  Keiko and Sharon joined us and then they sort of forced me to start a personal Instagram account.  Which I did.  {If you want to see pictures of signings I attend, Disneyland, and behind the scenes of the crazy, you should click here.)


People started showing up around 6pm and it quickly became standing room only.  The MG staff put down chairs and we were able to get front row.  There was a bit more waiting.  One of the girls told us that they had a piece of birthday cake for Pierce, so when they walked around the corner, could we start singing.

Pierce came out right at 7:30. Maryelizabeth did a brief introduction and then cake and singing did happen.


He thanked us for coming out and talked about how his first signing was at Mysterious Galaxy and his first review was from Patrick. Then he read from Morning Star.


You wrote your query letter in first person from the main character. Can you talk about that?

I wrote it in first person to send to the agents. Most the time it’s not read. Usually you have to go through the slush pile. I did it for 6 books before Red Rising and they had all been rejected. I thought about who my audience was. It’s 9pm at night, someone who has done all of their work and is having a glass of wine while watching The Bachelor. I mean, yeah.  That’s what I watched while I was writing it.  It’s my favorite show, seriously.  It’s just so dog eat dog.

How old were you when you realized wanted to be an author?

When I realized how unrealistic it was to be an astronaut, so like 6. Honestly, like 18. I think we’re all here because we love the written word. We moved around a lot and I always took the world with me because I had books. When I was 18, I got a journal and wrote this horrible story about a bunch of people who try to kill a dragon. Needless to say there were a lot of fatalities.

Any hints about next project?



You got to write the screenplay for Red Rising. Did that change anything in writing Morning Star?

It didn’t change how I thought about Morning Star. I knew the studio would make 2 movies, so it’s my burden to make sure there’s enough content. I hate when things are stretched too thin. There’s like 5 books in this one. As for the script, without Darrow’s inner monologue, he’s sort of a serial killer. It was a lot of showing and not telling.

Your poetic-ness in the books, where does it come from?

I think your writing comes from what you love. My parents gave me the classics, but abbreviated versions. I have so many tools so if I sound dumb, I didn’t do my research.

Character most scared to meet?

Jesus, the jackal. Are you kidding? I’m not having dinner at his place.


Which character which you not want to be?

Sevro {there were more to these character answers, but I didn’t get them}

Who would be your ideal cast?

Oh good. Something I have control over. They’re still trying to decide what age range it is. Anything under 20 is unrealistic.  {He named some actors/actresses who have the type of look he likes for certain characters, but I’m not familiar with the character names, so I didn’t type any of them down}

How was the process from writing Red Rising to getting the movie?

Very strange. I moved to LA because I wanted to work in film and tv. I was working at NBC when I sold Red Rising. Thankfully it threw me into the industry and they were willing to listen to me because I’ve sold other things.
It’s all very collaborative.


Where did you draw inspiration for Darrow?

I was reading Antigone when I thought of the world and it came up quickly. I wanted to see what the type of person Antigone would marry. Plus “Hurt” by Johnny Cash and “Them Bones” by Of Monsters of Men. I saw him in book 3 and had to figure out how he got there.

You worked on senate campaign, did it influence anything?

Yes. You see more of the politics in book 3. You see how everyone is compromising. Anyone who can get elected is inherently unfit to be in office because of all of the compromising they’ve done.

Favorite quote?

Ares sends his regards, mother fucker.


There was one more question, but I was busy saving my draft and getting myself situated for the signing. Pierce took a photo of all of us holding the book. When we stood up to start lining up, Pierce called me over to show me the photo of the woman who was sitting next to me {not Michelle} and the face she was making.

From there, we lined up and proceeded to wait a bit more. They let a few people go in front before they started with the line up of ticket holders.  Anyone who had above #40 needed to go outside and the rest of us were told to get in numerical order.

Michelle went up to Pierce first and I chatted with Patrick.  When it was my turn, Pierce shook my hand and said hi.  We chatted for a second and then he said that he hoped I liked the book.

pb1 pb2

I told him that I hadn’t read any of them yet, that I was waiting for it to be complete.  He waved me away and said that he couldn’t even do small talk with my any more and started laughing.  I said that at least I was honest, that I just don’t do well with waiting.  He told me that I would definitely be an Obsidian.  I said I had no idea what that meant, but after I read the series, I would come back to him about the topic.

We then made the rounds and said goodbye to everyone before heading home.  As always, MG was fabulous and Pierce was chatty and adorable. I’m quite excited to start this series, and I’m hoping to get to it soon.

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8 responses to “The time I stood in line for tickets

    • Stacee

      Yay!! Thank you for your kind words! I’m really looking forward to reading the series, I’ve heard so many great things about it. I hope you love it!!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  1. Gorgeous post Stacee :D Thank you for sharing about your time at this event. <3 Yay for it being close to your work :) This author seems so amazing. I own all three books, and I need to start them soon. Your post is simply awesome :D Love that you had a great time. <3

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