Michelle and I were looking for a reason to have a date and what better reason than a book signing. Abbi Glines, Colleen Hoover and Jamie McGuire were appearing at Mysterious Galaxy and we decided to go. We met up at 4:30 for coffee and we were in the story by 5pm. There were so so so many people already lining up in the store.
They announced that the authors were going to do a quick talk and Q&A and then everyone would be lined up for the signing. And then it was just time to wait. There were a lot of people. A lot. A lot. A lot. So many that when Rob starting handing out post it’s for personalization, Michelle and I each took a stack and a marker and set out in opposite corners of the store to help.
The ladies came out right at 7pm. They were introduced with information on their books. And then the talk began…
Jamie started talking about how her new book we as something different, but still had feels. She admitted that she had no idea what “the feels” were, but wanted to say that. Colleen said that she wasn’t going be that chatty. Jamie said she was just trying to sell her books, so at the end of Colleen’s and Abbi’s self-introduction, they each said, “buy Red Hill“.
The Q&A started right away.
To Abbi: Any chance you’ll kill off Nan?
I like Rush and he’s already lost a friend, so that would devastate him. I’ve already planned something for her, so I can’t kill her.
Who’s been your favorite character?
A: It has always been Beau Vincent. He taught me a lot of things. And then I wrote Harlow and she took the spot. She’s different than any other character I’ve written and I love that.
J: Skeeter McGee is so much fun. He wasn’t in the plans, he just happened and I’m so happy.
C: I think it changes with every book. Right now, it’s Ridge and I can’t wait for you to meet him.
For Jamie: the Beautiful Disaster movie, where is that?
J: We optioned it almost a year and a half ago. There’s a script and I’ve read it and there’s a producer attached to it. Just because there’s an option, doesn’t mean it’ll be made. In February, the rights will revert back to me, so if they don’t do anything by then…
For Colleen: any word on the Hopeless movie?
C: The script is being written now.
For your latest books, what actor would play your male lead?
A: With actors who have done other things, you see them as those characters. I would want something new.
J: I agree
C: I think casting would be so hard.
How much do the people in your immediate life get into the book?
J: Travis is based on someone I had a huge crush on. And Red Hill is filled with people I know. I bring in people all the time.
A: I don’t. Ever. I’m afraid that people will read the book and know it’s them. My mom has a complex because all of my moms are mean.
C: I don’t. I do have a few scenes that have happened in real life.
Where did you get the name Halle at?
J: Scarlett’s daughters are basically my daughters. They got to see themselves in my eyes and it was really cool.
How hard was it to do self publishing?
J: It’s not easy. The main thing is to do your research. Google is your friend. Don’t expect someone to set everything aside to do it for you.
How did all of you meet?
C: We’ve been good friends for about 2 years.
A: I saw Beautiful Disaster on Amazon. I don’t know how it happened.
C: Back then there wasn’t a lot of self published authors, so we would talk on Facebook. Now there’s a big group. Now we’re here promoting Red Hill.
Do you think there was a pivotal point that made NA popular?
A: The books took over the NYT.
C: When I had to categorize my book on Amazon, I put poetry and drama. I didn’t know what to put it under.
J: Beautiful Disaster was listed as women’s fiction.
Do you guys answer the questions on FB?
A: Yes. If you stop asking questions, we’ll think we need to stop writing.
Hardest thing you’ve done for a deadline?
C: I turn my stuff in early. I do have a book due in January and I haven’t done anything. I don’t even know what it’s going to be about.
A: I can top that. I have something due on 11/1 and I haven’t written a word. I do know what it’ll be about, though.
J: I can top that. I turned in my book in the morning and gave birth in the evening. I promised them it would be finished before I had my baby.
At this point, a friend started texting me about something that she sent me, so my notes sort of stopped. Sorry. :( In my defense, I don’t think there were very many questions after the one I had.The signing started around 7:30. Beforehand, I had talked to Rob about Michelle and I dropping our books off to be signed. He so awesomely said yes [seriously, I love this guy], so we were able to leave the masses [I can’t even express how many people were there] and head home. I’m convinced there are still peopled lined up right now.
They're (actually!) coming to my area and I've been debating about whether or not to actually go, since I've never read any of their books yet.