The time it was about The Fallout

Posted September 24, 2013 by Stacee in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Interviews | 0 Comments

I picked up The Compound and The Fallout on a whim and I enjoyed them both.  I don’t normally read survivalist stories, but they came with a strong recommendation and both books kept me captivated the entire time.  So, of course, when Macmillan invited me to be part of the blog tour for The Fallout, I had to say yes!


Before we get to S.A. and her interview answers, let’s check out the book, shall we?

The Fallout Book CoverIn this long-awaited sequel to The Compound, Eli and his family can run but they can’t hide.
After barely escaping from the compound where Eli’s dad kept his family for six years, they’re learning to acclimate to “normal” life—whatever that is for them. It seems like the entire world wants to know what happened to this high profile family.

Slowly they begin to make their way back into the world, but Eli can’t escape the creeping feeling that they’re being watched everywhere they go. But by who?

Eli’s anxiety is heightened as unnerving information continually surfaces about Eli’s dad’s company. Not to mention the sketchy new friend his twin brother Eddy has. Nothing seems to be “normal” anymore. New people are entering their lives—but who can Eli and his family trust?

Sounds good, right?


1. Where did the idea for The Compound and The Fallout come from?

Growing up, my school had nuclear attack drills which involved everyone filing into the stinky wrestling room in the basement. Once a teacher remarked that we’d have to stay down there for twenty years if there really was an attack. That kind of stuck with me, and I became obsessed with post-apocalyptic books and movies. I wondered how people would survive after it happened, and when I read about the uber-wealthy who had their own shelters, I came up with the idea. I was never going to write a sequel, but so many readers asked me what happened next that I began to wonder myself.

2. Some female authors say it’s difficult to write in a male POV.  Was Eli easy to work with?

I’d been having trouble separating my characters from myself, and choosing to go with a male POV was a way to fix that. And then when I got to writing, it was too late to turn back.

3. Excluding the twins, who was your favorite family member to write and would you ever consider writing something from another family member’s POV?

I like Terese a lot. She is totally her own person, even though she is the little sister, and it was fun to saddle her with issues and see how she dealt with them. A story from Lexie’s POV might be interesting…

4. What is the weirdest thing you googled while doing research?

The preppers! I got hooked on the shows about them. My fave was the dude who timed how fast he could load his doomsday see stash into a duffel bag. (He needs to practice more.)

Speed [ish] round:

1. What three things would you take with you to a desert island?

A campfire lighter. Carmex. A solar-powered e-reader with a gajillion books on it.

2. What are you reading right now?

Just finished This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales.

3. Who are your favorite swoony boys?

Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead. It’s hard to beat someone who can make you a meal out of freshly-caught squirrel. And Jon Snow on Game of Thrones. Do I need a reason?

4. Are there any authors you fangirl over?

Stephen King. I’d totally be an idiot if I ever met him.


Huge thanks to Stephanie for taking the time and Macmillan for the invite!

You can find Stephanie on her website, blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts.  Make sure you add her books on GoodReads and go see her on the Fierce Reads tour.


Haven’t been able to pick up a copy of The Compound or The Fallout? I’ve got them for you. Well, I don’t have them, but I have people who do. :D Winner will receive the books directly from Macmillan.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And be sure to check out all of the other tour stops for other goodies:

The Fallout Blog Tour Schedule
Monday 9/16
Tuesday 9/17
Wednesday 9/18
Thursday 9/19
Friday 9/20
Monday 9/23
Tuesday 9/24
Wednesday 9/25
Thursday 9/26
Friday 9/27

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