About 6 weeks before the date of the event, I noticed that Mysterious Galaxy had posted an event with Sarah J Maas on my birthday. It was pretty much a given that I was going to go.
On the day of, I met Michelle at Starbucks a few hours before the start time so we could catch up on all things post-SDCC. We also bought some books. And Michelle gave me the most awesome compact mirror that I’m so in love with.
After the chairs were set up in the store, we quickly claimed the front row. Sarah was supposed to start at 2, but she got stuck in some traffic and got there just after. And before she started to talk, she announced to everyone that it was my birthday.
She said I didn’t have to wear it, but I did. *cough* She also mentioned how she set it next to her stuff the night before because she didn’t want to forget it.
Sarah started talking about all sorts of things… The books she read when she was younger, how she got into fantasy, cutting 100k+ words from the original version of Throne of Glass, the novellas, the tv show marathons she likes to have [Honey Boo Boo Child], what she plans to read next [Obsidian, after I told her how amazing it was *squee*], being emotional about her FictionPress fans and just so much more.
I asked if she could tell us anything about book 2. Her answer was that it starts immediately after book 1 and follows the characters who survive down the dark and twisted path they need to go down. Oh, and that there would be kissing. A lot of kissing. A lot of kissing that she wasn’t going to allow her editor to cut from the final draft.
Sarah talked for about 35 minutes or so. After that, she started to sign.
I didn’t take any pictures.
Well, that’s not entirely true. I did take one picture while she was in the middle of talking. And she said “Hello, picture” and then did this quite awesome pose against the podium with could be the best expression on her face. But, I won’t post that one. In case she actually reads this and isn’t too happy for that moment to have been immortalized.
But, Mysterious Galaxy posted this one on their FB page.
Michelle and I went up to Sarah together.We chatted it up for a few minutes. I got Sarah to sign my hat after taking pictures with her while I was wearing it.
She also had a copy of Throne of Glass that she was asking everyone who attends to sign. She told me that I had to sign it again, so I’m guessing it’s the copy from Mrs. Nelson’s. I flipped to the scene with Dorian and Celaena and the candy and signed there…
And my book? The inscription is pretty awesome.
Sarah kept saying that she couldn’t believe that I came to the event on my birthday. Apparently, I haven’t made my adoration of her clear enough….
On the way out, Michelle bought another book. Sarah’s husband was sitting behind the counter and said hi, happy birthday and that it was nice to see me again. He asked what else I was planning on doing for the rest of the day. When I said Disneyland, that launched us into an entire conversation about when the best time to go was, how he felt like a creeper because he went by himself during ALA and that they plan on going more often in the future.
I just might die at the Happiest Place on Earth if I saw Sarah and her husband there.
I'm glad you had an awesome birthday! Wish I could've come!…for more reasons than one.
My signed ARC is just not the same as pretty hardcover with a map.
Also… 100k words were cut!!! Gah!
Thanks, Caitlin. It was a pretty awesome day.
I think she said the original draft of book 1 was 240k and the final draft is 115k words, so more than 100k were cut.
I need to read the novellas.
A lot of kissing?! Did she say with whom? Fingers crossed that it's Celaena/Chaol! It's their turn to makeout, y'know? Haha!
No, she didn't say anything more about book 2 than what I posted. I'm also hoping for some kissing between Celaena and Chaol.
Yay! So you're Team Chaol then? ;) Seriously, I absolutely ADORED him. <3
I do like Dorian, but I think Chaol is better suited for Celaena. And I want to see some swoony times from Chaol.
Me too! Sarah said book #2 has loooots of Chaol! Eeeeep.
This makes me extremely happy.
First, I misssssed your special day. Fail. But… HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY! This day sounds like it was such a fun time. She really got you a birthday hat, that's so cute.
Secondly, thanks for sharing some more news with us! Yay for lots of unedited kissing. It should always be a priority in books, but that's just my opinion. (Hopefully it is with Chaol. I love Dorian, but I like that Chaol doesn't take her shit and pushes her.)
I also love Chaol and want pages of him kissing Celaena. PAGES. They're adorable together.
Thanks for the comment!