The time it was about Nemesis

Posted September 29, 2016 by Stacee in Blog Tours, Giveaways, Interviews | 7 Comments

I’ve been a fan of Anna Banks from the first page of the first book I read of hers.  She’s snarky and sassy and every time I see her in person, I laugh more than a person should at one time.  And while I haven’t had a chance to read Nemesis yet, I know I’ll enjoy it.


Before we get to Anna’s interview, let’s check out the book.

9781250070173_fcTitle: NEMESIS
Author: Anna Banks
Release Date: October 4, 2016
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Pages: 368
Find it: Indiebound | Barnes & NobleAmazon | Goodreads

Pre-Order: click here to pre-order and receive an exclusive NEMESIS print and a NEMESIS bath bomb.

The princess didn’t expect to fall in love–with her nemesis.

Princess Sepora of Serubel is the last Forger in all the five kingdoms. The spectorium she creates provides energy for all, but now her father has found a way to weaponize it, and his intentions to incite war force her to flee from his grasp. She escapes across enemy lines into the kingdom of Theoria, but her plans to hide are thwarted when she is captured and placed in the young king’s servitude.

Tarik has just taken over rulership of Theoria, and must now face a new plague sweeping through his kingdom and killing his citizens. The last thing he needs is a troublesome servant vying for his attention. But mistress Sepora will not be ignored. When the two finally meet face-to-face, they form an unlikely bond that complicates life in ways neither of them could have imagined.

Sepora’s gift could save Tarik’s kingdom from the Quiet Plague. But should she trust her growing feelings for her nemesis, or should she hide her gifts at all costs?

Sounds good, right?


1. Please give the elevator pitch for Nemesis.

A runaway princess accidentally falls for a newly crowned King—who also happens to be her father’s arch nemesis. Also, fighting and kissing.

2. Why do you love Sepora and why should we root for her?

Sepora is stronger than she realizes. She’s been hidden away in Serubel without much experience with the outside world, so she takes everything in with a lot more curisosity and a lot less of the healthy fear she should be feeling. But just when she thinks she’s a coward, she is at her bravest in standing up for non-violent solutions to kingdom problems.

3. What was the weirdest thing you googled while researching?

“Egyptian man’s skirt thingy”

4. Without spoilers, what was your favorite scene to write?

Without a doubt, their first kiss. There is so much tension in the air you could practically drown in it. But you’ll just have to see why!

5. What was the last book you finished?

It was Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller and I loved it so much that I kinda sorta stalk her on Twitter! You’ll have to wait until next year to read it, but we now have a lady Jack Sparrow!

6. Where is your ideal writing area?

In Zac Efron’s lap. Or my office I guess.


AUTHOR PIC1NYT Bestselling YA author of The Syrena Legacy series: OF POSEIDON (2012), OF TRITON (2013), OF NEPTUNE (2014).

I live with my husband and daughter in the Florida Panhandle. I have a southern accent compared to New Yorkers, and I enjoy food cooked with real fat. I can’t walk in high heels, but I’m very good at holding still in them. If you put chocolate in front of me, you must not have wanted it in the first place.

Favorite Books: Shatter Me, Cinder, Linger, Shiver, Forever, Pushing the Limits, Unravel Me, Shadow and Bone, Enclave, Divergent, Candor, Graceling, Fire, The Hunger Games Trilogy, The Host, Most of James Patterson, and Janet Evanovich makes me laugh through my nose in an unfeminine sort of way.

Huge thanks to Macmillan and Anna for taking the time.  Make sure you’re checking out Anna’s website, following her on Twitter, liking her Facebook page, and adding all of her books to your Goodreads TBR.

Definitely follow along on the rest of the blog tour for extra goodies and keep scrolling for a giveaway!!

**Good Luck!!**

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7 responses to “The time it was about Nemesis

  1. Loved this interview… especially the Egyptian skirt thingy hahaha!! I absolutely love you, your blog, AND the lovely Anna Banks, one of my favorite authors!!! What a win win win!!! :-) Thanks for this great post and the awesome giveaway!

    • Stacee

      Thank you for your kind words!! I’m so happy you enjoyed the post. And yes, Anna is awesome.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!!

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