The time I went to WonderCon

Posted March 19, 2012 by Stacee in Signings | 0 Comments

When I told people we were going to WonderCon, I got one of two reactions. Either “why waste your time?” or “what’s WonderCon?”. Admittedly, I fell into the latter category. We’ve been going to Comic-con for 15 years and never once heard of WonderCon. After seeing how cheap tickets were, we figured why not?

Saturday was interesting. We got up late and with the rain, didn’t get to Anaheim until 11:30 or so.  I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as everyone implied it would be.  It was small.  Extraordinarily small.  Not only in comparison to SDCC, but to the NAMM convention that is also held in Anaheim. However, small crowds made for an excellent time.

The most important goal for Saturday was to locate the Mysterious Galaxy booth in relation to where the entrance door was.  And it took us a while… Turns out we kept going to the booth that was behind MG, but never took 2 steps further.  O_o

As we wandered around, we found ourselves in the Artist Alley. We were walking up and down the aisles and there was a guy standing in the aisle way and he handed me a card.  Usually, I don’t take these things, but the card was very brightly colored and had a picture of a bunny with fangs eating a carrot.  I thought it was hilarious, so I kept the card.

A few minutes later, I saw this on a t-shirt…

Turns out the guy who handed me the card is the artist, Sebastien Millon [].  He came over to us and introduced himself.  I was wearing my Time Lord sweatshirt and he started asking questions about Doctor Who and how we started watching it.  He is super nice and I absolutely love his art work.  We bought the above picture in an 18×24 print and I can’t wait to get more.

Sunday… oh, Sunday… It was all about YA panels and signings.

Gretchen McNeil had been tweeting that she was going to have 15 ARCs of Ten to give away at her signing at MG.  Here was my dilemma… She was signing at 11, doors for the convention didn’t open until 11 and we still had to go to registration in the morning to pick up our badges.

Thankfully, they had registration open early, so we were able to pick up our badges around 9:30. Security was herding everyone to a massive line in the dungeon [AKA the basement, AKA next to registration]. They swore up and down that the massive line would be the quickest way to get inside.

We opted to go back upstairs and evade security until 11. Apparently we either look completely unassuming or completely pissed off because security didn’t once tell us to go downstairs like they were to everyone around us.

At 10:55, people started streaming inside and I was ready to run. Run and throw elbows and bitch slap anyone who got in my way to the booth. Turns out the MG booth was basically around the corner from the door we entered and we were there right away.

Gretchen is adorable. I had bought a signed copy of Possess and brought it to ask of she would personalize it. She did, of course. I then asked if all the ARCs were gone and they weren’t!! I was able to get a copy of Ten and she signed that as well.

We left the MG booth and went around the corner, but I ended up going back to see of Gretchen would sign my Nook. While I was waiting, I FINALLY met Lauren and Christina [AKA the ladies of Swoontini]. I’ve been talking to the two of them for what seems like years, so it was exciting to get tackle hugs from both of them.

I also ran into Ava. She is one of the girls who was gushing about TFiOS at the Megan Miranda signing in HB. She complimented my blog, which I thought was super cool and then we both took a picture with Lauren and Christina. Turns out, I’ll be seeing a lot of Ava this year. :D

1pm brought us Kami Garcia and Ransom Riggs, again at the MG booth.

Now, I’ve been trying to get a picture with Kami Garcia for about a year. She’s been sick or busy with her group and I didn’t want to interrupt. This year, I was determined to get one.  I asked Kami to sign my Nook [which she did] and then I asked for a picture. And HOORAY!! I got one!!

After thanking Kami, I slid over to Ransom and asked him to sign my copy of his book.

2pm brought me Tahereh Mafi and Veronica Rossi [who hugged me!! *squee*]. Both of them recognized me [really, my chest tattoo]. I told them both that I would be at Vroman’s in April, that I was stalking both of them. Both women signed my Nook and I also got a signed bookmark by Veronica for a friend.

3pm brought the YA panel with Kami Garcia, Ransom Riggs, Veronica Rossi, Lissa Price, Gretchen McNeil, and Ann Aguirre with moderation by Andrea Cremer.

The panel started out with the best question ever. Instead of Andrea introducing everyone, she asked them to introduce themselves, talk about their book and then to state their favorite cosplayer of the convention.

I was most excited to see the book trailer for Under the Never Sky. I’m horribly in love with that book, so it was interesting to see how they captured some of the imagery described.

We left the panel early to get back down to MG because at 4, Lissa Price and Ann Aguirre were signing. Annnnd, if you bought Enclave, you got the ARC of the sequel, Outpost, as well. So of course I did that.

Lissa gave out rubber bracelets, pins and light up necklaces to the first 5 people who were in line. She commented on the fact that I was prepared for the signing, by having my book faced and post-it ready.

Ann was very sweet and very soft spoken. She seemed surprised that we were getting ARCs, but asked me to email her and let her know what I thought of the books when I was done.

Even though my time with all of the authors was short, it was awesome to see so many different people in one place. I’m even more excited for SDCC now.

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